Friday 31 May 2019

Hobsinville Costal Walkway Run

Last week, on Sunday the school running club had the chance to do a run. This run was in Hobsinville you choose how many kilometres you want to run out of 3k, 5k and 10k - I did the 3k. It was sort of cold in the morning. My run started a 11 o'clock, there were all kinds of people doing the run even people that were 20 of over the youngest competitor was 3 year old!  

I came 5th place over all. There were 66 male competitors doing the 3k run. It took me 14 minutes to do it. Over all, it was really fun and I might attempt to run the 5k next year.
Here are some photos.    

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Anti Bullying Day

last week on Anti Bullying Day we made letters just like on gumboot Friday but instead we made them about Anti Bullying Day. We all spited up into four groups I was lucky because two of my friends were with me. We all got given some card and then we splited up in our groups to drop the cards in letter boxes. We also had the option of wearing pink because the represents anti bullying day. I thought it was fun posting the letters my fovorite part was writing them. 
Here are some photos

Blog ya later! 

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Litracy Tumble

In term two we started doing a litracy tumble. A litracy tumble is a thing where you have 4 must do's ( must do's are things that have to be done till friday). There are also should dos which should be done by friday. And could do witch could be done by Friday. The reason we do this is because it is indepandant and the teachers are testing. Doing a blog post is one of them and this is the one I am up to right now. Here is a photo.


Friday 3 May 2019

Writing Naritive

Hi bloggers threw out term one we were making narratives. My one is about a superhero and a zombie Apocalypse.  The super hero needs a sidekick. 
It was really fun making it because I prefer writing narrative's more than I like writing recounts and other things. I like my narrative because It has a good amount of speech in it and how I rote about the back story.      

Zombie Apocalypse  By Nikhil
As the sun rises brightening up the sky. Inferno Is waking up “Cshhhhhhhhhhhhh cshhhhhhhh” “Attention everyone who is alive this is an emergency there are zombies everywhere stay inside lock your doors we are still waiting to find Inferno cs hhhhhhhhhhhhh.”  Inferno says in a worried voice “Did that thing just say zombie apocalypse? I better go get changed” Infernos real name was Jack he wore a red suit that was fireproof, he had brown hair. And a caramel kind of skin. His parents had died in a crash when he was only a baby and he was in the car. His parents were very rich they lived in a volcano on a private island. When he was in the car his parents had already died when the volcano erupted. A flaming ball was going straight to him, bam lighting  struck the flaming ball and it hit the baby. He was sent flying onto a farm in New Zealand. The people who lived on the farm took care of Jack him and the farmers soon found out that he had powers.

“Zombie apocalypse that is crazy!”
Jack zips down stairs and looks out the window “well the zombies are not here” he says thankfully. He opens the door lights himself on fire and flies to the city. He sees nothing but gravel on the ground, buildings destroyed and no people.
“I'm  too late” he said worried. Just then a huge mob of zombies walking straight towards him. “Baaaaaaarrrrrrffffffff” they chanted “I am going to need more than just me to solve this problem.” He flew down to the comic store. He specifically looked at the book called Batman And Robin! “I need a sidekick” Jack said. So there he was looking for a sidekick. He searched everywhere but time was running out! Just then a 10 year old was surrounded by zombies all he had was a stick. Jack got so angry that he summoned all of his energy that it lit the zombies on fire. One the zombies were on fire the kid hit them with his stick. Jack thought “hmmmm he'd be a great sidekick” he flew down to the kid. “Are you Inferno?” said the kid  “ Yes I am you are safe now plus how did you stay alive? ”Jack said “I don't know” just then a storm just started. “ we better get some shelter for the knight” CRASH BOOM the storm shot a huge lighting struck down to the kid “noooo” Inferno shouted the kid fainted. When he woke up he was in infernos house “where am I” he said curiously “hey kid it's me Inferno well you can call me Jack. “I have been looking at your heart it is covered in shocks of lightning” said Inferno. “ What does that mean?”said the kid “ well you might get lighting powers”said Inferno
“WHAT COOL then I could be your sidekick” said the kid “thats what I thought” said Inferno. So Inferno had an new sidekick.         

“Oo and there is one thing I found out zombies are attracted to light” said the kid. “Perfect and I haven't asked you what is your name?” said Inferno. “My name is Peter” said Peter. Inferno had a plan to go to the pyramid with a giant mob of zombies following him and light the pyramid on fire and than all the zombies will go to it and kill themselves. And they were of. They had targeted the zombies Inferno flew down and led the zombies to the pyramid. Suddenly the zombies grouped them self together and made a GIANT ZOMBIE! It grabbed inferno and put him into their base they threw him into a cage and Inferno saw everyone else that the zombies had cached. “I am going to get you out of here.” Inferno Cried. He frew a fireball but it was fireproof chains. The only thing Inferno could rely on was peter. BOOM the whole base was destroyed because peter summoned a huge lightning struck. And also the pyramid was also it on fire because he summoned anther lightning struck inferno could see zombies dying. “Good job I know longer need to protect the world any more I have do what I was meant to do find someone to do it for me” Inferno said quietly. Inferno drifted away into ashes. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO” said Peter angrily.

7 Years Later
“ I need a sidekick” said peter Looking at the book called Batman and Robin.                       
To Be continued
Blog ya later! 😅😎😀 :)